September 2012

Fall Fashion | Purposeful Plastic Surgery | Clean Water 

Wow. Who knew Edina was full of talented photographers?


David Madison watched his frustrated mom, who has celiac disease, struggle to find a gluten-free baking mix that was affordable and good quality.


Between work, carpooling kids and the general chaos of everyday life, it can be difficult to remember to take a breath, let alone factor in personal time. “Be Healthy!


When Parkwood Knolls resident Alan Koehler tried to enroll his daughter, Ingrid, in kindergarten two years ago, he figured that this conventional wisdom would apply–if you lived in Edina, your children could go to school in Edina. Not necessarily, he learned.


The maps are drawn, the neighborhood boundaries have been suggested, and now it’s time for public input. Edina residents interested in the City’s “Name Your Neighborhood” project are encouraged to attend a public meeting Sept. 12 at 6:30 p.m. at the Edina Senior Center.


In the fall, a young man’s fancy turns to football—or nowadays, soccer or cross-country running. But in 1949 when Edina’s first high school opened, football was the only game in town.


In many ways, the traveler is a dying breed. She has, in large part, been replaced by the tourist—a very different species. Foremost, the traveler is distinguished by her immersion in the place she travels.


The influence of teachers Bud and Jinny Jensen is evident even a decade after they retired.

After attending 10 to 15 Edina High School graduation parties each spring during their 30-plus-year teaching careers, the Jensens still spend summer weekends hopscotching to a few open houses.


Mark your calendar­—the fifth annual AIA Homes by Architects Tour is September 22-23 from 10 a.m.-5 p.m.


Students walking through the doors of Edina High School (EHS) this fall can take pride in knowing that, for the second year in a row, Newsweek this past spring rated Edina as the best high school in Minnesota, and 154th in the nation based on factors including graduation rates, college m


The teenage years are often filled with milestones: getting a driver’s license, attending prom, acing the SATs. But for Hunter Pribyl-Huguelet, there’s another milestone on his list: changing the world.


Alec Fischer has always been a man on a mission. As a youngster, Fischer recalls an art class that inspired him so heavily that “afterwards, I thought I was a famous artist and painted every single day,” he says.


Which local works of art will grace the Margaret Foss Gallery this fall?


There’s a snap in the air and a spring in the step as the excitement of back-to-school, fall sports and autumn festivities arrives. Why not bid summer a fond farewell with a culinary salute to grilled foods?


On a late-September morning, nearly 3,000 women and girls will arrive at Minnehaha Park in Minneapolis to participate in the sixth annual Women Run the Cities races.


Edina is known for its shops of distinction, fine dining, great schools and well-plowed streets. Perhaps less know, however, is that it’s home to individuals whose innovation and technological advances affect lives both here in the community and all over the world.


As Minnesotans, we all know the drill when it comes to fall: Summer is over and cold weather could set in at any moment. But just because the temperature is dropping doesn’t mean your fashion style has to follow suit.


Edina is home to Minnesota’s first female facial plastic surgeon. Dr. Jess Prischmann opened Prischmann Facial Plastic Surgery in April of this year. Minnesota is home to other female plastic surgeons, but Dr.